Laser Lettering: Schwag

I just published a new Instructable: Laser Cut Stencil Letters

I've been working on the design for a few art-objects that need laser-cut letters, and decided it would be good to prototype some letters first, to get a sense of what's required. There are a lot of "stencil fonts" out there to be had for free, but a lot of them are pretty limited stylistically so I have been working with creating "laser-safe" versions of other more decorative, less industrial fonts. In this case, I am using Zapfino.

Cutting laser lettering started with a present for my father, then a present for a friend, and a wedding present, and I just made an Instructable based off of a package of fashion show schwag that I gave to someone. It seemed a great opportunity to test out a few techniques, and the result was a stylish success. In fact, the usefulness of having a laser or stencil-friendly version of a font was so novel, I started working on an OpenType version called Stencilano that will be available for download soon.


Stencilano detail

The wedding Present:

domestic bliss

Making the Schwag:

Laser Lettering: Schwag