My dear roommate Peter is moving to SFO on Wednesday, and a lot of cleaning out has been happening around my apt.

We have collectively identified many things we don't need that are below the threshold of worth-putting-on-craigslist, but above the threshold of throwing away.

As an experiment, I am going to put the ones relevant to Eyebeamers (and anyone who might read this blog post) in a box on the corner of the shelf above my desk.  They will be there for a week.

Pay what you want.  Just leave the $ in the my desk drawer.  And if you want it, but think its not even worth paying for, then don't: just take it!

You be the judge.

Its an honor system, and you are all honorable.

Plus its an experiment.  Consider this social-sculptural research.  I'll post the executive summary of the research report next week (LOL)

if anyone wants to join in on the game, go for it.


Things that will be in a box on my desk

JK Audio Cell Tap, a pro-grade adapter for getting a line out of your cell phone.  I used it for

Apple Airport Extreme Card

An Apple Powerbook G4 power supply, and a plethora of related cables (the long ones and the really short plug pieces)

Buddha Machine (

1 GB SD Card

Griffin iTalk voice recorder for iPod

Laminated streetmaps of Brooklyn (x2), Queens, Bronx.

A bunch of AA and AAA batteries (still w/in expiration date, but I don't seem to use any).  Yes, I'm offering up some POWER!!!

iPod power supply (firewire, no cable)

Firewire 6 to 4 pin adapter

Several DC wall warts (e.g AC to DC power convertors) that I saved for use in some electronics stuff, but never used.

Several CFL bulbs that were too big to fit in my ceiling lamps (one is a fancy daylight bulb i had to mail-order, but couldn't use :-(  )

Chinese ink for brush painting

Silver press-type sheets

some other stuff...